
People enter into therapy for many reasons. Often the catalyst
is difficulty with a relationship, a job, or a way of coping.
Perhaps there is a sense that one’s full potential is
not being actualized. Anxiety and depression can provide the
stimulus to seek help. When they intrude into everyday waking
consciousness they are indicators that something is out of
balance and needs to be addressed. Psychotherapy is an ideal
vehicle for addressing these issues. Areas of particular interest
within my practice are parent-child difficulties, especially
the early stages of parenting; relationships; finding one’s
voice and inner authority; creativity; grief and loss; and
the struggle to live one’s own life.
analysis, also referred to as Jungian psychoanalysis or Analytical
Psychology, is a form of psychotherapy that assumes that what
is currently unconscious plays a part in keeping us engaged
in patterns and dynamics that no longer serve us. Teasing
out our own truths and desires from the confusing mass of
long-held beliefs and ideas about ourselves is an important
component of therapy. By making conscious what is currently
unconscious we begin to have more choice about how we bring
ourselves into the world instead of continuing to fall into
old patterns.
exploring one’s dreams has been a hallmark of Jungian
analysis. Dreams are the most familiar form of unconscious
messages, but many others exist. Sand play, body movement,
active imagination, voice dialogue, drawing, to mention a
few- all share the ability to directly speak from the unconscious.
All of these methods are available, to be used collaboratively
as a means to get to what might not be available consciously.
analysis is a creative and spiritual endeavor. It is a holistic
approach, a process by which we become more fully ourselves,
developing a relationship with what Jung called “the
Self.” It promotes developing relationships with parts
of ourselves that are currently inaccessible and makes a richer,
fuller life of authenticity and meaning possible.